Selected Interviews, Features, & Documentaries

Unang bronze medal para sa Team PH, nasungkit ni Perez

Linggo, Setyembre, 24, 2023, sa Lin’an Sports Culture & Exhibition Centre, nasungkit ni Patrick King Perez ng Team PH, ang kauna-unahang bronze medal para sa Men’s Individual Poomsae category kontra Chanthilath Souksavanh ng Lao.

International Students Focus on China 2018 Sichuan and Yunnan | 外国留学生中国西都行 2018 四川 云南

#Yunnan #云南 #Sichuan #四川 #internationalstudents #yunnansichuantravel

Name: "Show off China•2018 West China Tour for Foreign Students"

  Organization: This event was organized by the Information Office of the State Council, co-organized by the Information Office of the Ministry of Education, Yunnan Province and Sichuan Province, and undertaken by the Wuzhou Communication Center. This is another new exploration after the successful holding of the first "Show off China•Foreign Students West China Tour" in 2017. More than 40 foreign students from Renmin University of China, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Beijing Language and Culture University entered the Sichuan-Dunnan-Tibet area in late July and showed the world what they saw in Western China through pictures, videos and texts.

      Ramil Santos is a reporter, editor, photojournalist, and filmmaker. 

He has been writing, editing, and photographing for news media organizations. 

Involved in directing, producing, and shooting different films.

Interested in cultural exchanges, science and technology, sports stories, and bird photography.